1984 Gra­dua­ted from the Fine Art Depart­ment of the Uni­ver­si­ty in Seoul, Korea
1984 Tanata Exhi­bi­ti­on at SM (2nd); Tanata Exhi­bi­ti­on at Kyon­gin Museum of Art (3rd); March. Text and Stage Art for Kim, Ki-In Com­tem­po­ra­ry Dance Troupe (at the Small Thea­ter of Sejong Cul­tu­ral Hall)
1984 Oct. Text and Stage Art for „The Purple”, an entry to the Natio­nal Dance Festi­val of Korea by the Com­tem­po­ra­ry Dance Troupe (at the Grand Thea­ter of the Korea)
1985 Tanata Exhi­bi­ti­on at Hanaro Museum of Art (5th)
1986 Stage Art, Text and Arran­ge­ment for „Wed­ding and Fun­e­ral” of Park, Myong-Suk’s Modern Dance Troupe (at the grand stage of the Natio­nal Thea­ter)
1986 Stage Art and Mana­ger for „Illu­si­on”, an entry to the Dance Festi­val for the Asian Games in Seoul (at the Natio­nal Thea­ter)
1987 Fed. Stage Art and Stage Mana­ger for „Illu­si­on” Per­for­med for Youths ; in the New School Terms of 1987 in the Pro­gram of „Encoun­ter with Dance Art” (at the grand stage of the Natio­nal Thea­ter); May. Text and Stage Art for „Time” by Park, Myoung-Suk’s Modern Dance Troupe
1987/88 Lec­tu­rer at Col­lege
1990 Stage Art for „From Where to Where” of Chong, Jae-Man’s Dance Troupe
1994 Fed. Stage Art for The Ren­con­tres Cho­ré­gra­phi­ques Inter­na­tio­na­les de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bagno­let, „Nostalgia2” Ae-Sook Chang ; Oct. Stage Art for The Suzan­ne Dellal Inter­na­tio­nal Dance Com­pe­ti­ti­on „Nost­al­gia 2” Ae-Sook Chang

1990 – 1st Solo Exhi­bi­ti­on (Kumho Museum of Art ) in Seoul, Korea ; Tanata Exhi­bi­ti­on at Kwan­ho­on Museum of Art (10th) in Seoul, Korea
1991 – Tanata Exhi­bi­ti­on at Baekak, Museum of Art (11th) in Seoul, Korea
1992 – 2nd Solo Exhi­bi­ti­on (Dan­song Gal­lery) in Seoul, Korea
1995 – 3rd Solo Exhi­bi­ti­on (Insa Gal­lery) in Seoul, Korea
1996 – 4th Solo Exhi­bi­ti­on in Rat­haus-Pavil­lon, Schwal­bach a.Ts.
2005 – Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Bad Soden
2008 – „Kunst Neu Sehen“ Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Bad Soden
2009 – Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Bad Soden
2010 – Offene Sode­ner Ate­liers und Gale­rien, Bad Soden
2011/2013 – Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Bad Soden
2014 – Doro­thee Her­mann & Mit­glie­der, Kera­mi­sche Objek­te, Stadt­ga­le­rie Bad Soden
2015/2017 – Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Stadt­ga­le­rie Bad Soden
2018 – Group Exhi­bi­ti­on Sode­ner Kunst­werk­statt e.V., Stadt­ga­le­rie Bad Soden